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Flourish Together in Finances

Our Couples Connection had a WONDERFUL session with Alan &Monica Cole on May 18, 2019.  The Coles have been certified Crown Financial Ministries facilitators for more than 25 years and shared a wealth of knowledge with the couples in attendance.  We had revealing discussions about the level of unity we have in our marriages when it comes to our finances, how to set our perspectives to overcome our financial challenges, and were challenged to have a DATE NIGHT where the main topic is finances.  Do you think a date night talking about finances would be anything but fun?  If so, you need to hear the Coles describe how to do it!  Every couple left excited about having their date night!

For those that weren’t able to attend we still want to share some of the resources that the Coles provided.

Handouts:  Flourishing-Together-In-Finances

PowerPoint Slides:  Flourish Together – Couples Connection

Crown Financial Money Map:  Crown-Money-Map


The Coles also shared the video below to provide perspective on how important money is to God.

Thank you Alan & Monica for blessing us and showing us how to take steps toward Flourishing Together in Finances!

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